Folly View Primary nursery provision consultation


Faringdon Learning Trust (FLT), with Mr Jones, are looking to offer a wider provision of nursery care at the relocated school, Folly View Primary, from September 2022.  This is part of FLTs continuing development of education provision in Faringdon, as per the Faringdon Neighbourhood plan.

As such we are seeking the views of the current stakeholders on the following 2 questions.

  1. Do you have any comment on Folly View Primary offering nursery provision for 2 year olds?
  2. Do you have any comment on Folly View Primary offering an increase in nursery places? The current provision is 60.  The relocated school has been specifically designed for 90 places.

The consultation will run until the 1 May 2022. 

This consultation has now finished.

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