Jason serves as a parish priest and Area Dean of Vale of White Horse in the Church of England. His role is to work with others to create and sustain flourishing communities for the benefit of people of all faiths and none. Jason’s particular skills lie in  : the effective and prioritised delivery of services or projects in a world of resource constraint; the empowerment and support of all relevant stakeholders; and ensuring the highest levels of accountability, transparency and governance.

Jason has worked as a parish priest in Oxfordshire since I was first ordained ( Deacon 2004, Priest 2005).  He is currently Rector of the Churn Benefice, a group of 7 churches and two Church primary schools near Didcot.  And also serves as Area Dean of Vale of White Horse. He previously served as Area Dean of Wallingford and Area Dean of Wantage, and in the course of these roles have obtained a good knowledge of the diverse communities of South Oxfordshire.  He serves as Chair of Churches Together in Oxfordshire, which gives him a good perspective on the county as a whole.  Jason serves on Diocesan Synod and is an elected member of the Diocesan property committee ; he has also previously served as a trustee of DTOL (Diocesan Trustees Oxford Limited), which included responsibility for various trusts relating to Church schools.   Before training for the priesthood, he worked as a lawyer in London and taught law at the University of Westminster. As an undergraduate, he read History at Merton College, Oxford.

Jason is passionate about human flourishing : creating and sustaining a world in which everyone can flourish. In the context of education, he is passionate about ensuring that our school communities are places where everyone can flourish – children, teachers, non-teaching staff, governors alike.  He is also passionate about the teaching of Science, the building up of a diverse STEM workforce, and the proper appreciation and understanding of Science among the public at large. From time to time Jason run various Science outreach projects with these goals in mind.

Since 2008 Jason has served as a governor at Blewbury Endowed Church of England Primary School and Hagbourne Church of England Primary School. Since 2008 he has served as an ex officio trustee for a dozen local charities, serving the needs of various communities in South Oxfordshire.

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