The 2019 Ofsted framework requires schools to ensure that all learners will receive a high-quality, ambitious education and that leaders take on or construct a curriculum that is ambitious. Therefore, it is vital that our English reading curriculum reflects this in every year-group across the phases.
This online session will consider and explore:
This course is part of the ‘Gaining Consistency’ series: a programme of CPD for those with a top-level view of the English curriculum in primary schools, focused on looking strategically at ensuring progression in the strands of the English curriculum, both across and within year-groups, and developing effective whole-school approaches to teaching and learning within each strand.
Each session will focus on a different aspect of English, meaning that schools can take part in all sessions or choose those that are most relevant to their school development priorities.
Sessions in the Gaining Consistency Series include:
A Whole School Approach to…
What previous participants have said:
Just fabulous!
Thank you for a very thorough and thought-provoking training course. Am looking forward to the next one in the series!
Susie Spolander
As an experienced English consultant, Susie works with schools, academies and partnerships to develop and improve all aspects of English across the primary age range. Using her knowledge of the curriculum, assessment and effective teaching and learning practices, she successfully supports many schools – leaders, teachers and support staff – to improve outcomes for their pupils. During her 20+ year career in Education, Susie has enjoyed classroom teaching, as well as holding a range of senior leadership posts. Prior to establishing her own consultancy business, she worked as an English Consultant for Oxfordshire County Council’s School Improvement Service. Susie has written, developed and led a wide variety of training events, programmes and projects to address current local and national educational priorities and, in recognition of this work, has been awarded the Gold Quality Mark for Professional Development by the London Institute of Education. Susie is an accredited trainer for several reading intervention programmes and has recently worked with OUP to write and present a new online professional development package for their Project X CODE intervention.
Susie is passionate about finding innovative ways to inspire teachers and engage learners. Her face-to-face and online training is of high quality: rooted in the curriculum, with evidence-based practice coupled with creative teaching and learning approaches. She believes in a bespoke approach to school support, working alongside school leaders, class teachers and support staff to develop practice through a range of leadership and classroom-based strategies, always precisely tailored to the identified needs of the school.
Susie provides training, resources and school support in partnership with local and national organisations, such as Quest for Learning, Oxfordshire County Council, OTSA and Oxford University Press.
Twitter: @susie_spolander
Accessing the online event
Following registration for this event you will receive an email from Eventbrite confirming your place. If you do not receive the email within a few minutes, please check your junk or spam folders and check that the correct email address was provided at the time of booking. If you did not create an account at the time of booking or someone else booked on your behalf, you will need to create an Eventbrite account. Open your booking confirmation email, select ‘Claim Your Order’ and then choose a password. Make a note of your email address that was used to make the booking and your new password – you will need these to access the Eventbrite page containing the link to the event.
A minimum of 48 hours before the event begins you will receive another email from Eventbrite containing a direct link to the event and to the Eventbrite Online Event page. Login to Eventbrite, using the same email and password you used to create your account. You will now have access to the online event link and any pre-event materials. This link must not be shared with other people.
Please test the link the day before the event to make sure you can connect. If you need help please email [email protected] or call 01865 647999 in good time before the event begins. We will be unable to help during the event itself. Please note, if you unsubscribe from Eventbrite before the event takes place you will not receive any further emails from Eventbrite and therefore will not receive the email with the link to the event.
We do not provide refunds if you are unable to access the event due to technical issues that are beyond our control.
Participation in online events
In all cases, at the beginning of the session to confirm your identity please ensure that your camera is on, your username matches the name you registered with and that you register in ‘chat’ with your first name, second name and organisation. This is for security and registration purposes and we may remove, without refunds, participants who have not confirmed their identity as described above.
Our online events aim to be interactive and at times you may be expected to have your camera and microphone on during the session, although usually your microphone should be muted.
We may use ‘Raised Hands’, ‘Reactions’, ‘Chat’, ‘Polls’, shared whiteboards and shared screens during the session. We may also use ‘Breakout Rooms’ to allow you to work in a smaller group.
This event will not be recorded for copyright and privacy reasons.
Payment is required at the time of booking by credit card, debit card or Paypal. Unless otherwise stated, a ticket gives admission to one person at face-to-face and online events. In the event that you share an online event link with other people who then attend the event, including sharing your screen, or you arrive at a venue without a ticket and we are able to admit you, we will invoice you or your organisation for additional tickets retrospectively.
No refunds will be given with less than 30 days notice.
In the event of a refund request, please note that the Eventbrite booking fee of 6.5% plus 0.49p per ticket is not refundable.
To keep our event fees as low as possible, we are not able to issue invoices for payment by cheque or bank transfer and we are not able to reserve places without payment.
We strongly recommend that you take out ‘event ticket insurance’ which may cover the cost of your fee should you be unable to attend the event.