Are you interested in improving your English provision at your primary school? If so, this session will provide key pointers towards the kinds of principles and strategies you will need, inspired by work going on in schools across the UK. Julie Sargent, Bob Cox and other authors of the ‘opening doors’ series will signpost the way forward with case studies referenced throughout. Content will be drawn from the exciting new book ‘Opening Doors to Ambitious Primary English*’, a chapter by chapter guide to the use of quality texts with equity and excellence expressed as routes to impact in the classroom.
All schools value ambition but how can that ambition be expressed as a norm in day- to- day primary English classrooms? Log on to hear about the kinds of texts, question sequencies, chunking of knowledge and pitch high thinking which can inspire all your pupils.
*Book is due to be launched on 31 March 2023
About Julie Sargent:
Julie is an established English consultant with an extensive knowledge of the curriculum, assessment and effective learning and teaching approaches. She has a range of experience of teaching in primary schools across both Oxfordshire and Devon, including key roles in piloting and developing many aspects of English across the full Early Years and primary range.
Julie has designed and delivered many professional development programmes and training materials to support schools in English. Currently, she works alongside OTSA, Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust (ODST) and many partnerships and MATs. Work includes delivering training, curriculum development, working alongside senior leaders and collaborative teaching experiences.
In addition, she has worked alongside a range of publishers, reviewing and developing education materials.
Most importantly, her passion and enthusiasm for engaging children in the curriculum is seen through her innovative and creative approaches, which inspire both teachers and learners. More recently, she has joined the ‘Opening Doors’ team and is an advocate for using high-quality texts to enrich the English curriculum. She is a co-author of the Opening Doors upcoming publication Opening Doors to Ambitious Primary English.
As a firm believer in working alongside schools, Julie is keen to ensure that support provided is bespoke to individual school needs.
Bob Cox
Bob Cox, a teacher for 23 years, has presented ideas about high quality learning and English at regional, national and international conferences in his role as education consultant. He is the award-winning author of the ‘Opening Doors’ series of books, used in thousands of schools. The books and Bob’s associated training has acted as a key stimulus to the growth of a UK network of schools, all of which showcase the classroom impact of ambitious English. Bob’s work explores equity and excellence for all and how a challenging curriculum can be accessed and enjoyed by every pupil through key stages 1,2 and 3
Bob has now supported about 500 schools, cross-phase and cross-curricular, encouraging approaches using quality texts to quality writing routes. His recent speaking briefs have included The Education Festival and the Osiris World Summit. Currently, he is supporting many clusters, local authorities and trusts across the UK in ongoing ways.
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