Leading an Effective Personal Development Programme


This session aims to help senior leaders, middle leaders and aspiring middle leaders to develop an effective personal development programme. Personal Development is one of Ofsted's four key areas of focus. Join this interactive session to develop your knowledge and for practical suggestions of how best to deliver an effective personal development curriculum. Suitable for […]

Creating an Inclusive Approach to the Wider Curriculum in the Primary Class


In recent years, primary teachers have been challenged with the task of delivering high quality learning across all foundation subjects, whilst ensuring provision that meets the needs of increasing numbers of vulnerable learners. In this session, we will explore how teachers can excite children with an engaging curriculum whilst actively reinforcing key skills and removing […]

The Importance of Prime Areas


The Prime Areas: how they are interlinked, resulting in better language, emotional wellbeing and physical development for education and life. The Prime Areas of Learning in the Early Years make up a critical part of early development. This workshop will explore the elements that contribute to developing young children's knowledge and skills in the 3 […]

Adaptive Teaching Through Mastery Teaching in Mathematics


In recent years, more primary schools have begun teaching for mastery as an approach to mathematics teaching. One of the challenges involved in teaching for mastery is successfully adapting learning to allow all pupils to be successful. This session will aim to support teachers in developing confidence in using adaptive teaching for all pupils within […]

Educating the Most Challenging in Society


Prisoners are offered either full-time or part-time education based on the National Curriculum including numeracy, literacy and information technology. Functional skills, key skills and language support is offered to prisoners as well as distance learning and open university courses. In this session, Emma will reflect on her experiences of her first year in post, with […]

Secondary Science – Sequencing Disciplinary Knowledge


Why do so many students feel science is not for them and what can we do about it? A formative and engaging session explaining how everyday objects and short easy practical activities can be used to each disciplinary knowledge. You will leave this session with a series of activity ideas linked to the national curriculum, […]

Developing Skills in Effective Subject Leadership


Suitable for anyone leading a primary school subject or interested in taking on a subject leadership role, this one-hour training session will aim to introduce participants to the fundamentals of effective subject leadership. Any leader can become an ambassador for their subject, affect positive change and support other professionals to make their practice as effective […]

Fractions in KS2


Fractions can be both fascinating and challenging for students in KS2. In 2023, 26% of the KS2 SATs were on fractions, decimals and percentages. This workshop will deepen your understanding of teaching fractions and equip you with practical strategies to support and extend ALL children's understanding. We will explore the different stages of understanding and […]

Understanding and Supporting Emotional School Based Avoidance (EBSA)


This informative and empowering training provides a unique perspective on EBSA - a key area of challenge for schools. Sandra Tibbles has a first-hand, professional and lived-experience of EBSA and delivers this training to cut through common assumptions, misconceptions and misunderstanding, to ensure participants have a true and comprehensive picture of the problem and proven, […]

Prioritising Reading in the Primary Classroom


This session will aim to support teachers in developing confidence in teaching key skills in reading, alongside promoting reading for pleasure. It will also focus on how to create an immersive reading experience both within the classroom and the wider school. Suitable for Primary ECT's and Teachers in their first few years of teaching. The […]

Adaptive Teaching – Part 2


Come and learn about how to plan to meet pupils’ needs and how to react and adapt in the moment to support them. Outcomes: Develop your understanding of high-quality inclusive teaching and the ‘five-a-day’ principle Develop your knowledge of high incidence needs in our schools today Learn about adaptive teaching strategies – explicit instruction, cognition […]

Principles of Assessment (SEND)


This session focuses on the principles of effective assessment, and how to respond to assessment outcomes. What do your pupils with SEND need to learn? Where are the gaps that are holding them back? Do some pupils leave you feeling stumped? This session focuses on the principles of effective assessment, and how to respond to […]

Become a School Governor