We currently have an exciting opportunity to become a Community Governor at the Folly View and the Elms Primary school. These are two separate schools within Faringdon but have one Local Governing Body. A Community Governor requires someone from the wider local community who are not parents and/or don’t have parental responsibility for a pupil on the school roll at the time of joining.
Please read below and if you think you might be interested, we would love to hear from you.
What do Governors Governors do?
Governors sit on the Governing Body, whose purpose is to help our pupils and staff to achieve the very best. We do this by partnering with the Headteacher and staff to set the strategic direction for the school, focusing on its ongoing development, monitoring performance/progress and ensuring financial integrity.
What is the time commitment?
The Governing Body meets once every half term (ie 6 times per academic year – Wednesday evenings 6.30 – 8.30pm) to discuss and review the above areas. In addition, some prep work is required including reviewing documents and, where appropriate, visiting the school. These visits reflect individual Governor responsibility for specific topics/subjects and, typically, amount to 3-4 hours per term (flexible timing to suit).
What is in it for you?
Being a Governor is a very rewarding experience. What we do makes a tangible difference – you would be helping children at the school to realise their best potential through the actions that you take, as well as developing yourself, your skills and your understanding of how a school operates.
What skills/knowledge do you need?
You don’t need to be an “expert” – The Faringdon Learning Trust run Governor Induction courses every year for new governors. We actively seek governors with a diverse range of skills and experiences. What matters most is your commitment to want to make a difference to the school.
What should you do if you are interested?
If you would like to find out more, please contact the clerk of the Local Governing Body, [email protected]
Thank you,
Headteacher and Chair of Governors