Within FLT there is a deep belief that strong governance is essential to ensure a strong Trust. The Trustees bring skills, knowledge and experience to their roles. They work closely with the CEO to guarantee the success of the Trust and all its schools.
The governance structure consists of Members, and Trustees of the board and its committees. The committees include the local governing bodies of individual schools.
The work of the board is directed by the Articles of Association, funding agreements, governance handbook and the Academies Financial Handbook.
This work is distilled into the FLT Scheme of Delegation which is reviewed and updated every year.
You will find on this page information on our current Trustees, their attendance at meetings and any pecuniary interests they may have.
The purpose of governance is to provide confident and strong strategic leadership, which leads to robust accountability, oversight and assurance for education and financial performance
DfE Governance Handbook 2019
The four Members are akin to shareholders and have ultimate control over the direction of the Trust. They ensure the charitable company achieves its objectives, sign off the financial accounts and annual reports, and appoint some of the Trustees. They hold responsibility for:
The Trustees, appointed by the four Members or Oxford Diocesan Board of Education, have delegated responsibility for the three core strategic functions:
They have overall responsibility and ultimate decision-making authority for all the work of the Trust. This is largely exercised through strategic planning and the setting of policy. It is managed through business planning, monitoring budgets, performance management, the setting of standards and the implementation of quality management processes. They have the power to direct change where required.
Trustees will have regard to the interests of all academies for which the Trust is responsible in deciding and implementing any policy or exercising any authority.
The board consists of 12 Trustees. They represent the interests and views of all the academy schools at board level. They are essentially responsible for the day-to-day running of the ‘company’.
The board of Trustees consists of:
John Kirk: Resigned 1st February 2018
Nicola Ferguson: Resigned 8th June 2018
Richard Hancock: Resigned 17th July 2018
Jan Wiejak: Resigned 31st July 2018
Dave Wilson: end of ex-officio 31st August 2018
Anthony Cook (Member): Resigned 12th June 2019
Bob Wintringham: Resigned 31st August 2019
Louise Warren: Resigned 20th October 2019
Rachel Kenyon: Resigned 14th January 2020
Jeremy Twynam: Resigned 21st July 2020
Helen Turner: Resigned 20th November 2020
Rev Paul Walker: Resigned 8th June 2021
Sarah Church: Resigned 18th November 2021
Carrie Insley: Resigned 16th May 2022
Ian Wright: Resigned 29th June 2022
Schools’ local governing bodies operate as committees of the board of Trustees. They operate under the delegation approved by the board and outlined in the Scheme of Delegation.
Those elected/appointed to serve on a local governing body are appointed Members of a committee of the board, and can be referred to as governors. Local governing bodies have been delegated the authority to appoint their own governors and elect their own post-holders (including chair), but appointments are to be made in accordance with the relevant Instrument of Government and FLT Policies and Procedures.
Members of local governing bodies are not Trustees or Directors of the academy Trust (unless they hold those positions in their own right), and it is therefore important to remember that, even where responsibility is delegated to a local level, it is the academy Trust as the legal entity that holds the statutory accountability and not the local governing body
Registered Office: Faringdon Learning Trust, Fernham Road, Faringdon, Oxfordshire SN7 7LB
Email: academyqueries@
Tel: 01367 240375
Please note some calls may be recorded for safeguarding, training and monitoring purposes.
Registered in England and Wales: Company number 7977368