We are an Oxfordshire multi-academy trust consisting of nine schools with common values and goals. Our values are ‘support’, ‘challenge’ and ‘collaborate’. Our goals help us give students the best chance of developing into thoughtful and capable citizens of the 21st century.
We work to send students into the world with an appreciation of how it works and the tools and drive to make it better. Underpinning our values are three key principles: Learners first (a focus on our core purpose of achieving the best outcomes); Nurture and develop our people (making sure our staff are supported to make a difference); Strengthen and grow (improving through self-evaluation and continuous learning).
We support and guide our schools in delivering high academic standards and excellence in teaching, while encouraging them all to maintain their unique identities. A number of our primaries are Church of England schools, and we are firmly committed to them maintaining their Christian ethos.
Registered Office: Faringdon Learning Trust, Fernham Road, Faringdon, Oxfordshire SN7 7LB
Email: academyqueries@
Tel: 01367 240375
Please note some calls may be recorded for safeguarding, training and monitoring purposes.
Registered in England and Wales: Company number 7977368