Faringdon Learning Trust is a multi-academy trust that includes a number of primary schools and a secondary school in Oxfordshire. The trust is based in Faringdon, in the Vale of White Horse
The trust’s primary goal is to change and improve life opportunities for as many children and young people as possible. FLT supports schools to flourish in an environment of collaborative autonomy. Guidance and encouragement is provided so schools can create their own culture and environment with a view to ensuring the very best outcomes for children and young people.
Our schools achieve more together.
We aspire to send students into the world with an appreciation of how it works, as well as the tools and drive to make it better. Underpinning our values are three key principles: Learners first (a focus on our core purpose of achieving the best outcomes); Nurture and develop our people (making sure we support our staff so they can make a difference); Strengthen and grow (improving through self-evaluation and continuous learning).
Great value is placed on the diversity and independence of the trust’s schools. Each school is driven by its own senior leadership team and governing body, and has close links with its local community. Each school benefits from being part of the trust.
Faringdon Learning Trust began life in 2012, when the three schools in the town – Faringdon Community College, Faringdon Infant School and Faringdon Junior School – formalised their close links by creating a multi-academy trust (MAT).
Trust schools benefit from a centralised team of experts to support them. The non-teaching central team offers support in HR, ICT, finance, operations and governance which allows headteachers to focus on teaching and learning. The central school improvement team has specialist teaching, learning and curriculum enrichment leaders, plus expertise in safeguarding and family support, and special educational needs.
We are a multi-academy trust governed by our Articles of Association. Our trustees are responsible for the three core governance functions: setting strategic direction, vision and ethos; holding the CEO to account; and ensuring financial probity.
At Faringdon Learning Trust, the safety, health, wellbeing and welfare of our students is paramount. We are committed to safeguarding and work together within our schools and with external agencies to ensure that our students are able to thrive in a safe and caring environment. We ensure that all our pupils receive high quality support, whatever their age, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual identity or gender.
Registered Office: Faringdon Learning Trust, Fernham Road, Faringdon, Oxfordshire SN7 7LB
Email: academyqueries@
Tel: 01367 240375
Please note some calls may be recorded for safeguarding, training and monitoring purposes.
Registered in England and Wales: Company number 7977368